We will be implementing the following guidelines throughout the market, to ensure the safety of our customers, crew, and community.
All vendors, crew, and customers will be required to wear face coverings for the duration of the market.
Disposable face masks and hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout the market.
Eating areas will be a minimum of 6' apart. Persons can remove their masks while eating, and we ask that you do not share your table with anyone outside of your group.
To better facilitate social distancing protocol, we will be following building capacity guidelines.
We will be adding additional space to aisle ways and vendor booths to accommodate social distancing.
To avoid excess contact and crowded lines, we ask that you purchase tickets in advance, either online or at Antique Cottage and Garden, 3270 Cascade Blvd., Redding CA; 530-275-4451.
Unfortunately our shuttle service will be unavailable during the market. Those with walking difficulty can be dropped off at the front gates before parking.
The Courtesy Booth will be only a holding area. We will have furniture dollies available for loan to haul heavy items to the front gate for vehicle loading.